Focused on helping produce a monthly newsletter with relevant content, gathering content for the website, posting on Facebook, Twitter etc.


  1. Develop requirements list for website enhancement
  2. Identify and/or create interesting memes to send out via the CSS Facebook page, encouraging sleep techs to like the page as well as increase traffic to the website, ultimately encouraging membership as well. This process has begun and we have submitted a few memes with captions to Gabe to get this process started.


Drive traffic to the CSS website and increase tech and professional membership to the CSS. One way we hope to achieve this by creating interesting contests that any tech can enter via video but perhaps only members can win a small prize, we can suggest coming up with a budget request for small prizes to be offered monthly or quarterly for best entry. Another way is through actively posting informative and/or funny relatable posts via Facebook and Twitter to get potential and current members interested in CSS.D.

We have a small list of peers that have expressed interest in helping with generating content.

Committee Updates (Members Only):

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Committee Chair

Sam Kashani