Sleep Inequality in America: A Qualitative Synthesis

By: Elie Gottlieb, Ph.D. Income inequality and social inequality have long been acknowledged as critical issues in the United States. Emerging research now highlights a pervasive problem: sleep inequality. Despite the well-documented physiological benefits of sleep,...
Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome and Adolescence

Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome and Adolescence

By: Patrick Moday, BBA, RPSGT, RST, California Sleep Society President Question: What is Delayed Sleep Syndrome? Answer: The natural shift in a teen’s circadian rhythms is called “sleep phase delay”. Delayed sleep phase is a sleep disorder that affects the internal...
Insomnia in Narcolepsy, A Clinical Paradox

Insomnia in Narcolepsy, A Clinical Paradox

By: Sam A. Kashani, MD, California Sleep Society President-Elect If sleep disorders could be represented by a solitary scale of sleep-wake dysfunction, insomnia and narcolepsy would seemingly represent two opposite ends of this scale. One may assume that a person who...